Our business is built on love, trust and honesty with a passion for both inner and outer beauty. We love what we do and believe in the betterment of women, exploring what's possible, recognizing our power and standing in complete truth. We're passionate and deeply invested in our art; we want you to experience the very best of what we have to offer and be inspired, motivated and changed for the better by it.
Communication is important; we make it a point to get to know our clients better so that we may serve you better. We love to inspire and empower women; and that is why we share a lot of good, useful content through our newsletters, podcast, YouTube and social media for free. We strive to exceed expectations and going above and beyond for you, ourselves and each other.
We are not a one trick pony. We believe in always improving our art. developing our skills, expanding our knowledge and experiences; learning from and working with other industry leaders, and building a strong, passionate and reliable team.
We use Tochieli Luxe cosmetics, which are made in Canada with only the best ingredients and with quality, effectiveness, longevity, affordability with easy use in mind. Our services are offered by knowledgeable, skilled and talented artists and experts in their field. Our online programs, seminars, workshops and 1:1 coaching are well thought out, planned and just work! We put a lot of love and hard work into all that we do and offer. That is why we are so proud to make and sell some of the best products, services and programs; that our clients and customers can experience and be proud to be a part of; knowing that we have their best interest at heart and truly care about them for the long-haul.
Sanitation and hygiene are of high priority. All tools are thoroughly cleaned twice weekly & sanitized/lightly cleaned on a daily basis and in-between every client. Disposable tools (mascara wands, sponges, spatulas, q-tips, lip brushes, etc) are used to avoid contamination of cosmetics; we do not double dip into our cream and liquid products. We strive to maintain the most stringent levels of sanitation possible to ensure your health and safety.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You inspire us to create meaningful change in the lives of women and the world. We value, respect and appreciate you more than you know; and we hope you feel that and recognize it in the work that we do. Our clients/customers happiness is a priority and we make it a point to respond to your emails and serve you to the best of our ability.